Friday 3 October 2014

If you could change three things about yourself, what would they be? Why would you change them?

       If I'm honest, there's not a lot of things I'd change about myself. In the past couple of years, I definitely think I've changed and grown into a person, that I'm generally pretty happy being. Although, there are some things I think I could clearly improve on. These traits include my cautiousness, my sociability and my strength.

       What I mean by cautious is, I wish I would think about my words and actions, before I actually say and do them. I have done things that have changed my life, (and not always in a positive way,) all because I wasn't thinking it through before I did them. One particular, recent incident comes into mind when I think about caution, which I won't go into detail with, but I always wonder what would have happened, if I had stopped to think first. Would I had ever made the mistake if I'd thought about the consequences I received? Definitely not, which is what I regret most about the whole experience. If I had stopped to think for just one moment, I would've avoided it.

       My second change I listed is sociability. Two years ago, I was incredibly shy. I had my group of good friends, but I'd only talk to them, and I'd never branch out. When I look back, I'm not sure why I was like that. Maybe it was because I was too worried about what other people thought of me, or maybe it was because I just didn't like other people. Since then, I've made new friends that have introduced me to other friends, and so on. Although, I'm still not as sociable as I'd like to be. I know a lot of people who I'd talk to more often, if I had the social skills to actually engage in a conversation with them.

      When I say strength, I don't mean my physical ability. Although I'm also probably the weakest person ever, and wouldn't mind being able to do more than two push-ups, I'm referring to emotional strength. In my opinion, I think I've been through a lot in my life so far, which I'm proud of myself for. But, before I overcome these things, I break down. I usually don't get upset about it; instead, I become so paranoid over everything that it becomes overwhelming, and I have no idea what to do. I usually get over it within fifteen minutes, but it can happen over the tiniest of situations.

       Even though I would like to have these changes, I don't think I'll be necessarily happier if they were made. Although being cautious about my actions, becoming more social and gaining strength are all things I could achieve on my own, it would take a lot of effort. I do like myself for who I am now, but improvements could be made.

1 comment:

  1. Don't confuse caution with fore-thought. I think you are talking about fore-thought. Though both are good traits to have. Sometimes though, we need to just make a bad decision to learn what NOT to do.
    Being sociable can be beneficial, especially when you are in a new situation. It is something that can definitely be worked on.

    If you are ever feeling overwhelmed by something at school, you can always come talk to me, just so you know.

    This was a really interesting response Georgi. I really would liked to have read more about each of these situations. You allude to some points that might have helped reinforce your points. After every paragraph I was wanting to know more and there wasn't anymore. Don't just give the bare minimum. The more detail you put in there the stronger your piece becomes.

