Thursday 30 October 2014

If you could spend a day with anyone in history, who would it be and why?

"Music is everybody's possession. It's only publishers who think that people own it."    - John Lennon
       My family has little to no musical ability; this is the way it's been for generations.  However, and I don't know how, musicians of all sorts have had a huge influence on me for as long as I can remember. This includes maybe some of the artists my parents listened to when I was younger, to the amazing people that happen to make up my music taste today. Although, there are a small number of artists that I don't listen to the music of, but there's something about them that I find interesting, and they impact on my life everyday. The Beatles, for example, I first heard when I was six, when my teacher was playing one of their songs in class. I forget what song, but since then there's been something about them that's so fascinating. And if I were to spend a day with anyone in history, it would be John Lennon.

       Like many other celebrities, John Lennon started out as a bright musician, doing what he loves most with his three friends. He soon turned to substance abuse. I'd love to know what was going through his mind at that time. I'd ask how he was feeling with everything going on in his life, from being in the spotlight constantly, to his marriage with Yoko Ono, and just where everything went wrong. I find the way people are thinking to be so fascinating, and to know what was happening in his head would help the world understand so much more about him.

I'd also love to know about John Lennon's childhood. Having his dad not there often, and his mom remarrying, leaving him to live with his Aunt Mimi at a young age would have been so tough. Not to mention his mother having been struck by a car driven by an off-duty police officer, Lennon at the time being seventeen. I have been so lucky to have grown up in a family with no problems, so I would have no idea what it would be like to be in his situation.

       John Lennon is such an inspiration, and an influential character to society. Unfortunately, he passed away several years before I was born, and I will never get the chance to meet him face to face. 

1 comment:

  1. This is very well thought out, at the beginning. You sort of seemed to lose your momentum as the piece continued.

    What do you think the two of you would do during your day together? Would you go somewhere special? Would you show him the impact his music and philosophies have had on the world?

    There could have been some more information in here Georgi.

